The Richard Burnett Collection
Fourteen original and important period keyboard instruments from the seventeenth to the mid nineteen centuries are displayed and used regularly by keyboard players, professionals, amateurs, students and children.
This collection is on loan by Richard and Katrina Burnett. The instruments can be used potentially for recordings and research at Waterdown House.

The Finchcocks Charity welcomes you to our homepage. Please take time to explore the different sections which will explain more about our strong tradition of supporting period keyboard music.
We welcome visits from students, schools, technicians and interested groups. We offer the chance to play the instruments for yourselves. We believe that each keyboard instrument in our collection has a unique sound, touch and key strength. These qualities are only possible to experience personally and our aim has been to encourage everyone - from a complete beginner to a PHD student - to “have a go”.
These instruments have been collected over the years by Richard Burnett and form the “Richard Burnett Collection”. Dating from 1700 – 1866, the collection features a spinet, harpsichord, clavichord, English and Viennese pianos from renowned makers such as Clementi, Erard, Pleyel, Graf, Kirckman, Rosenberger and Walter.